ML Insights

What is ML Insights ?

This was a series of engaging and rigorous webinars spanning over four months – June, July, August & September. The course gives you an introduction to machine learning and enables you to master the concepts and techniques including supervised and unsupervised learning, overview of Data Analytics using Python and prepare you for a world where ‘Data is the new oil’.

It features:

  • Rich learning Content
  • Taught by Industry Professionals
  • Industry relevant Skills & Tools
  • 24×7 access to Online Study material

Program Structure

The program comprises of a series of modules, each of which is accompanied by one or more hands-on projects:

  • Understanding data – Workshop series and eLearning on understanding data and databases
  • Inferential Statistics and Analytics with Python – Self paced eLearning and Hand-on workshop series on inferential statistics and executing real time Analytics projects in Python
  • Machine Learning – Learn hands-on Machine Learning and use cases across NLP, Text Mining, Vision/Speech Analytics and several others
  • Capstone Project – The Capstone project was a mandatory application-oriented client specific project undertaken by all participants to develop the acumen to solve real-life business problems on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in collaboration with our trainers.
  • Leadership Talks by client’s leadership team

 Relevant reading material and case studies were circulated to participants periodically. The participants were evaluated on their understanding at the end of each module. There were also given time for personal reflection between the sessions.



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